Knitter, Writer, Dog Walker
“I have been using PainShield MD device for two months and am happy to report that I have experienced a marked reduction in pain during treatment and a slight overall reduction in pain while not using the device and that relief is increasing with time. I place the device as close to the point of pain, as the instructions state, (for me – lower right quadrant of abdomen) or on the small of my back for general relaxation and to relieve stress from the day.
A few of my Doctors have suggested that I have nerve trapped in scar tissue from one of the many surgeries that I have had, I have a large scar across my lower abdomen and the (previously) unremitting pain has been centered on one side of that scar for many, many years. I have also experienced pain in my abdomen with bloating and difficulty digesting because of adhesions pulling intestines and kinking the sigmoid colon, in particular, and general malaise and fatigue from coping with pain, pain, pain, 24/7 for so long. I had endometriosis and multiple surgeries to reduce/remove endometrial sites and adhesions. I am now menopausal and no longer suffer from the disease, but have had chronic pain from the adhesions for 30 years. I have used pain medication in the past, but find that it doesn’t work well for me and don’t like the deteriorating side effects, so I have chosen to use other methods for pain management. (Rest, meditation, Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Naprapathy, Homeopathy, massage, nutrition)
After about a month of treatment with the PainShield MD, I purchased a second unit so that I could have continuous treatment as I found myself spending too much time deciding whether to have relief during the day or while I slept. I am sleeping better than I have in years! I used to average 4 ½ hours a night of sleep, and now I average 7 – 8 hours! That in itself is amazing. It is wonderful to be able to stay asleep and not have pain jolt me awake. I have more energy during the day and find that I can concentrate on things better now that my mind is not so busy dealing with constant pain. I have saved money on modalities that my insurance does not cover that help maintain my health by using the PainShield MD© device and don’t need the others as often. I would recommend this product to anyone who is suffering from chronic pelvic adhesive pain and is looking for relief that has no negative side effects and is cost effective compared to other treatments.”(05/07/13)
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